How to Get Rid of Mold in the Basement

Mold is a severe problem in houses that you shouldn’t overlook. It’s not only ugly, but it has the potential to create significant health issues.

Mold can be hazardous to anybody. But the elderly, newborns, and people with allergies are most at risk from mold exposure. Residents of houses with mildew and moisture are also at a higher risk of developing asthma and respiratory problems.

It is critical to address mold in the basement as soon as possible to avoid it spreading and destroying the surfaces it is growing on.

Don’t give up if you have mold on basement walls. Read on for our guide on how to get rid of mold in your basement and prevent it from coming back.

Addressing the Basement Mold Issue

The most common cause of basement mold is moisture source condensation generated by leaky foundations or appliances. Thus, the first step to getting rid of mold in a basement is to ensure that the basement doesn’t hold moisture or sustain a humid environment where mold can thrive.

If basement mold is a persistent problem in your house, you can use various mold and mildew cleaners to eliminate and control it. Depending on the degree of the problem and the type of mold, you might need to hire professional inspection services. Severe mold growth necessitates immediate action.

There are several DIY treatments for nontoxic types of mold and less severe mold development. They help control, prevent, or get rid of mold in the basement.

Eradicate Mold in Different Basement Materials

Different basement mold types will grow and thrive on almost any material. Thankfully, there are various treatments available to remove this hardy fungus.


In a basement, you find wood in framing, furniture, and many other items. Unfortunately, wood is highly vulnerable to the destructive growth of the white mold in the basement.

Timber mold can turn into a significant and costly problem. But it can only do this if you don’t clean wood framing properly. After all, if the fungus spreads to untreated wood, it will eventually collapse, causing structural issues.

Remember that mold growth can be challenging to detect if it’s hidden under planks.

You’ll need to move basement furniture outside for improved ventilation and faster drying if it’s infected with mold.


Keep in mind that fabrics are porous, making them more prone to mold infection.

Consider taking all fabric-made furniture outside in the sun. You should do this if your basement has a moisture issue. This will allow your furniture to air out quickly.

To get rid of mold on detachable furniture fabrics like couch covers, chuck them in the washing machine. Based on the amount of damage, it may also be necessary to replace the material on specific furniture entirely.


Basements typically have poor ventilation, and moisture doesn’t dry as quickly as it would in other parts of your home. All these factors are conducive to the production of basement mold.

If you have HVAC ducts in your basement, ensure you inspect the drip pan on a routine basis. This may become a breeding ground for basement mold if not changed regularly.

Condensation can form on the inner and outer sides of HVAC ducts, providing a source of moisture for the growth of black mold in the basement. As a result, basement HVAC parts are particularly vulnerable.

If you discover mold inside your system, it is likely the problem has progressed to the point where mold-contaminated air is spreading around your house.


Carpeting your basement can make it feel cozier and more inviting. But it is also dangerous since basement flooding happens more often than you think.

Mold grows in a carpet in the same way it does in wood or furniture fabric. In some cases, you can get your carpet professionally cleaned to remove the mold. However, if that isn’t effective, you’ll have to remove and replace it.


Basement mold can grow behind the walls and beneath the foundation following basement flooding.

This could pose significant problems because the mold is often well hidden. Therefore, it might take a long time for you to notice it. In the interim, the mold spreads quickly due to the lack of ventilation.

To treat drywall mold, professionals will drill a hole in the wall and insert mold-testing equipment into it. They do this to determine whether mold is growing beneath the drywall. If they discover mold, they’ll usually advise you to repair large sections of drywall and some wood framework.


A typical basement contains various pipes, taps, and other home plumbing systems. They’re used for basement, kitchen, and bathroom drainage, and other household functions.

As a result of lack of ventilation and excess moisture, the areas around these fixtures are likely to grow mold. Therefore, it’s essential to check them regularly for leaks, drips, and mold growth.

Methods of Removing Mold from the Basement

Thankfully, there are various options available when it comes to removing mold from your basement.

However, before you begin, you need to address the root of the problem. This is because mold development is usually a symptom of a more significant issue.

This might entail repairing a leak, ensuring appropriate ventilation, or drying standing water.


Bleach is a simple and inexpensive treatment.

Once applied, you can rest assured all mold and spores are dead. But it won’t kill the mold roots. If the conditions are still suitable, they may re-sprout.

However, bleach also has a few significant disadvantages.

You can’t use it on fabrics or carpets when treating mold infestations. You can only use it on hard surfaces like tiles, bathtubs. And if someone accidentally consumes bleach, it can be harmful to their health.

You should use bleach solution with a lot of caution if your basement has insufficient airflow.

Use Sump Pumps

You can use a sump pump to protect your home against water intrusion and prevent the growth of mold, fungus, and mildew.

Sump pumps are electrical pumps that operate on their own. They aid in the removal of increasing groundwater before it penetrates the building. Fix them beneath the basement and crawlspace floors.

Regular maintenance will keep your pump running all year, keeping your house dry and mold problems at bay.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a nontoxic, straightforward solution for basement mold removal. Spray over the damaged floors and walls after mixing with water.

Let it settle on the mold for ten minutes. Then, scrub the mold and mildew away using a scrubbing brush.


Dehumidifiers are a helpful tool in basements prone to moisture accumulation, condensation build-up, and humidity. They’re also beneficial when you’re cleaning up floodwater.

It’s crucial to estimate the square footage of your basement before buying a dehumidifier. This is to ascertain whether the model you’re interested in has adequate capacity to keep a space dry.

You might even need to use more than one dehumidifier.


Concrobium is a nontoxic basement mold removal solution approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. It is less harmful than bleach, but it is also more costly.

As long as you treat surfaces adequately, concrobium will kill the mold and stop mold spores from returning. It works on various surfaces, including plastic, stone, tile, and wood.

French Drain

If you have water problems in your basement, you might want to consider installing a French drain.

A French drain is a ditch with a perforated pipe that channels surface water and groundwater away from the house. It is located within the basement’s perimeter and sits under the floor level. They are designed to keep water out of a basement, which helps to prevent mold from forming.


When using borax, it is critical to mix it correctly. This is because borax can be dangerous if consumed.

Mix one gallon of water with one cup of Borax solution. Sponge or scrub down the mold-infected areas after applying the Borax solution. Because borax has deodorizing characteristics, it produces a musty odor.

Be sure to wash the borax solution off the mold thoroughly and mildew-affected surface once you’ve finished cleaning.

Getting Rid of Mold in Your Basement

Knowing how to get rid of mold in the basement is an essential skill for every homeowner. 

It’s meaningless to ignore or cover up a mold problem. You’re simply allowing it to grow and potentially harm your health.

Take a closer look at your situation to evaluate whether hiring a professional will benefit you. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging you require expert assistance to resolve the problem.

After all, the health of your family should be your priority.

Contact us if you suspect you have mold in your basement. We will respond promptly and conduct a complete inspection.


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